Tuesday 12 July 2016

Kitchen Fire in Student Accommodation Whitechapel London.

London Landlords of Houses in Multiple Occupancy - are all your Fire Safety Protection measures in place?

The London Fire Brigade reported on their incident page that Four fire engines and 21 firefighters and officers were called to a kitchen fire in offices and student accommodation on Old Montague Street in White chapel.

A communal kitchen on the third floor of the building was damaged by the blaze. Around 80 people left the property before firefighters arrived and thankfully nobody was injured. To read more click here.

London Fire Risk Assessments advice to customers:

London Houses in Multiple Occupancy and Student House Share are at a higher risk of having a Fire mainly due to the number of individuals sharing the facilities.

It is extremely important that Landlords have a suitable and sufficient Fire Safety Risk Assessment for their HMO. As part of the Risk Assessment process the Fire Safety Inspection will note any deficiencies in the premise and identify any additional Fire Safety Protection measure required.

Student should always ask before moving into their London accommodation to witness the Fire Safety Risk Assessment. If there isn’t one then it will show that the Landlord is not fulfilling his lawful duty and highlight that the level of management of the premise is not very good.

Landlord’s if you require a Fire Safety Inspection for your London premise, or you require your existing Fire Risk Assessment to be audited and reviewed contact us on 01689 890879 or 

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